Expedition 2013: West Coast Trail

(click the play icon at the left of the presentation to start it)

For 2013, Nerds in the Wild's major expedition was a 6 day, 75 km hike along the West Coast Trail in western Canada.  This rugged trail was a goal of mine for decades, and it did not disappoint. This hike will set the standard for the Nerds in the Wild major expeditions for years to come.  "Team Lentement" as we christened ourselves consisted of myself and George Payer, and we proved up to the challenge, although perhaps not by as big a margin as we would have liked.

Before Picture

After Picture
The Expedition!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Thank Yous

Training Hikes
July 2013 Bear Beach

July 10 2013
July 17 2013
July 24 2013
July 31 2013
August 27 2013
September 3 2013

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