Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just for fun: What should the purpose of the expedition be?

Today I had to decline a birthday invite from a friend of mine, as his party fell in the middle of the upcoming expedition.  Since we are both nerds and value creativity on facebook, I glibly replied that I was "leading an expedition to search for sasquatch and spirit bear chimeras"  This has gotten me thinking, though.  What should the purported purpose of this expedition actually be?  I've come up with some ideas:

  • To investigate rumors of a community of octopus-people living along the coast
  • To search for flotsam from part of an ancient city that floated from the arctic in an iceberg and melted off the coast.
  • To look for glowing bento boxes carried across the ocean after the Fukushima Tsunami
  • To survey the coast and claim it for the Austro-Hungarian Empire
  • To find evidence of Hawaiian occupation of Vancouver Island that predates European discovery
  • To find the Island of Misfit Toys
  • To search for giant atomic robot warriors (using a metal detector)
  • To find the entrance to the underground empire of Zork
  • To find the wreckage of the TCS Concordia
  • To find Captain Jack Sparrow's Compass
  • To investigate reports of a dimensional rift
  • To find a rumored alien crash site
  • To secure a treaty with the forest elf kingdom
Let me know what you think in comments or on Facebook.

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