Monday, September 23, 2013

So...Now what?

The videos are up, the gear is put away, the thank yous are sent, and the pain of the experience is fading as the stories grow.  The time has come to put away Expedition 2013 and look to the future.

So, what do I want out of the next year of Nerds in the Wild?  Where will we go from here?  It's a question I've been giving some thought, and I'd like to share some ideas.

First off, there will be an Expedition 2014.  A major outdoors event that culminates a year of planning and training.  It may be bigger or smaller than 2013.  The goal is to do something interesting and somewhat epic, but not necessarily grueling.  It will probably be grueling, mind you, but that's not the point of the endeavor. (Exactly what the point of the endeavor is, I'm still working on.) I have several ideas regarding the expedition's route and destination, but nothing far enough along to share.

Secondly, the team may change.  George has committed for a second year, but I'm considering adding some additional members to our team this year.  Again, it's too early to announce anything, but Team Lentement might be replaced by a new team, name TBD.

Thirdly, we need to amp up the nerd. George and I are hardcore nerds, who work in software companies, play a lot of video games, and discuss whether Rytlock Brimstone could beat Urdnot Wrex in a fight. (If you don't get this reference, don't worry.  It just means you haven't discovered Mass Effect and/or Guild Wars 2)  While our focus last year was to show the amazing epic of the West Coast Trail, our nerdiness was somewhat in the background.  I'm working on several things that will highlight this a bit more without boring those more interested in the "wild" part of "Nerds in the Wild".
Urdnot Wrex
Rytlock Brimstone

Finally, I plan to improve the videos.  This is ongoing obviously, but there are some things that I'm planning specifically.  I'll be playing with new video editing software, possibly investing in an HD camcorder, and working on new graphics.  While I can't promise epic improvements, hopefully there will be a gradual improvement in my filming and editing skills.

Thank you to all who followed me over the last year, and welcome to those who are newly joined.  I'll try to keep things interesting.

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