Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Expedition Update - July 10, 2013

Expedition Prep

This week I mainly cleaned and maintained my gear following the Bear beach hike July 1st.  Gear was unpacked, cleaned, and put away for the next hike.  I did put my tent up on Saturday.  Primarily this was because it was extremely hot, and sleeping outside was preferable to my bedroom, which at midnight was sitting at 27 degrees C (81 F).  I took the opportunity to snap a few pics for the Gear Guide, and also to patch the fly with a silicone "paint".  The worn spot on the fly was small, but it was also at the top of the fly, and I was concerned I would be dripped on in heavy rain.  Problem solved now.

Gear Purchases

I had planned to go to Mountain Equipment Co-op on the weekend, but ended up staying home (it was very, very hot, as I mentioned), so I have not yet had a chance to pick up a few odds and ends:
  • Socks:  I lack a really good pair of hiking socks.  A couple of pairs are a must-buy before the big expedition.
  • Hat:  I had a touch of sunstroke at Bear beach.  I want to invest in a light, sun-shade type of hat.  Personally, I think that this design
    offers the best combination of sun protection, cool fabric, and "stuff into pack when not needed"-ability. Off the trail, however, it is of limited use, so I'm also considering something along these lines:
    For pure nerd-awesome, I'm also considering this 
     or this,
    but I'd have to order them in, and as cool as they are, I don't know how much actual sun protection they offer.
  • Sleep Mat:  The sleep mat I have is awesome.  But it is also very heavy (5+ lbs).  I am investigating alternatives.

Boots - Fix or Replace?

I was dismayed to discover that I have nearly worn smooth the tread on my hiking boots.  I have worn these boots in for several years, and the leather is in good shape.  However, the rubber is worn nearly smooth.  I can try to deepen the tread with a dremel tool, since the rubber is thick in the sole.  If that doesn't work, though, I need to get new boots quickly and start wearing them in.

Training Schedule

Getting back to my normal routine this week, or close to it.  Monday climbing hasn't been consistent since the start of summer, so I may need to do something else on Mondays, but the rest is fairly consistent:

  • Monday:  Climbing (2 hours) Cancelled this week
  • Tuesday:  Swimming (Masters Swim club, 1 hour)
  • Wednesday: Climbing (2 hours)
  • Thursdays: Swimming (Masters Swim club, 1 hour)

It's my Anniversary on Friday, so no training that day (although a nice dinner is planned).  Saturday, I'm going to see the new Pacific Rim movie, and Sunday I'm attending the Rock the Shores concert.  So I don't expect much serious training over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I like the blue hat :) You might want to look at the Big Angus air mattresses (Capital Iron carries them)...they are the best deal around and their top quality mats...very comfy and light, with a great R-rating. I have the Q-Core. Also, you could get your hiking boots resoled...a cobbler could tell you more.
