Hello. My name is James Wilson, and I am a nerd.
I fall into most of the nerd stereotypes: I like Star Wars and Star Trek. I am a Software Development Professional. I play more video games than is likely healthy, and I have a parade of "collectible" action figures on my desk.
I am also an outdoors enthusiast. I love backpacking, mountain biking, and rock climbing. Most of the people I do these activities with are also nerds, and this has led to several interesting, if not hilarious, moments. After the umpteenth time hearing someone say "we should write this down" I'm going to write that down.
At the moment, my focus is an upcoming 75 km, 5-7 day hike along the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Alternating between rocky beach and mountainous rainforest, the West Coast Trail is one of the most challenging hikes in Canada. I will be tackling this hike in early September with my friend George.
So, sit back and enjoy anecdotes of adventure, tip and tricks, gear guides, and comparisons of reality and various mediums of fantasy (books, movies, video games, etc).
I can't wait to follow the adventures!